The 3rd Annual VolleyPooLooza will be held Friday, May 6th! This coed volleyball tournament helps raise money for the Kickapoo Volleychiefs.
Packets will go out to all of the Volleychief players soon. The tournament is limited to 12 teams. The first 12 teams to get all of their paperwork in will be the 12 that play.
RULES: No more than 2 current high school or college players per team (including the Volleychief) and a maximum of 3 males per team. The rest of the team is up to you...recruiting is key so start now!
Tshirts, prizes, music, won't want to miss out!
Volleychief players should plan on forming a team or volunteering for the event. We also LOVE parent volunteers.
Coach Harris is accepting sponsorships now! A $50 donation will get your logo on the back of the tshirt. In kind donations (gift cards, coupons, items, etc) also accepted. Please email to support the VolleyPooLooza :-)