Tuesday, February 1, 2011

KHS Volleychiefs @ the MSU Bowl-a-thon

The Kickapoo girls and family of our volleyball players, Coach Harris and Mr.Wilbur
raised over $2100 for MSU and represented Kickapoo well. Overall we had 17
lanes with five bowlers each lane plus about 30 fans who came to support the
event. About 115 people were there to raise over $7100 for the MSU
Volleyball team. It was a successful event and a lot of fun! This will be
an annual event and 2012 will be at the end of January or 2nd weekend in

Freshmen volleyball girls Kylie Weems, Kim Thomas, Taylor Moore, Rae Myers and Sydney Gibbons enjoying their time helping out the MSU Volleyball team.

Junior varsity volleyball player, Kinsey McCarter helped Preston with his bowling skills!

Kinsey McCarter hanging out with some of the MSU Volleyball players, including past her sister, Courtney. Kinsey is committed to playing vollebyall at MSU in 2013.

More Volleychiefs that bowled for a cause! Here Annelise Dixon, Lauren McCanna and Brianne Dixon take time for the camera!